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I couldn’t decide which October Art Challenge to participate in this year so I’m looking at several and I also made my own prompts. See all of the details below.

Here are my own prompts. And here’s a bit about how I came up with them:

  • I started by looking at FrightFall2024 because I really like the products from RetroSupply and I enjoyed doing this last year. Plus they have a great set of grand prizes.
  • But if you follow me on Instagram, you know my artwork contains Bible verses and so many of their prompts were just not suitable to my kind of content. I’ve figured out how to make several of them work, so stay tuned during the month, but I decided I had to do something different.
  • I took a look at a couple of other sets of prompts and I may have borrowed a couple of prompts from them also.

Note that the hashtag has 3 e’s #Octobeee. I searched it using 2 e’s and what came up was just the same as if I searched for hashtag October. I guess IG anticipates mis-spellings and corrects for them. Adding a 3rd e seemed to fix this mostly.

Below are some other October Art Challenges that you might be interested in including FrightFall that I mentioned above.